The 7 Pillars of the Holy Method™

What are the 7 Pillars of the Holy Method?

The Holy Method is a powerful system for achieving spiritual health and wellbeing. It is based on the belief that there are seven essential pillars that need to be cultivated in order to tap into God’s healing energy. Each pillar contains further steps and instructions on how to achieve optimal spiritual health and wellbeing.

  • Surrender: Our first pillar is empty, we must first empty ourselves to allow God in, Intro to Holy Method™, Surrendering to God's Plan, Accepting Jesus Christ into our hearts.
  • Abide: The second pillar abide is where we study the ethics of a Holy Method Practitioner, and develop an unbreakable faith with our Heavenly Father.
  • Embody: In the third pillar embody, we exercise the physical body like a fine-tuned instrument through poses, movements, weights, breathwork, and selfcare to prepare for the Holy Spirit.
  • Purify: In the fourth pillar, we work on purifying the body and soul with weekly vegetarian recipes and meal plans, fasting tips, and learn why water is so important to the Holy MethodProgram.
  • Worship: In the fifth pillar, we will explore ways to worship in prayer, meditation and song, learn the difference between prayer and meditation and simple prayer songs to sing
  • Study: The sixth pillar is wisdom, here we will commit to a daily dose of bible study, reading, listening to podcasts and lectures from the creator of the Holy Method™.
  • Reflect: In the seventh pillar reflect, we will explore why reflecting is an important aspect of personal growth and self-improvement.

The Surrender Pillar

The first pillar, the Empty Pillar, sets the stage for all the other pillars to come. It is the starting point of your journey towards spiritual transformation. Just as a blank canvas holds infinite possibilities for an artist, the Empty Pillar represents a deep sense of openness, allowing for the potential to receive divine guidance and healing energy. It invites you to let go of preconceived notions, judgments, and limiting beliefs, creating space for God's energy to flow through you. The Empty Pillar is a reminder to approach the Holy Method with a beginner's mind, a sense of curiosity, and a willingness to surrender and trust in the process.

Imagine standing at the edge of a vast ocean, feeling the cool breeze against your skin and hearing the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. This moment of stillness and emptiness is like the Empty Pillar, full of potential and infinite possibilities. It is a powerful reminder that in letting go of our ego-driven desires and attachments, we create space for God's wisdom and healing energy to enter our lives. Embracing the Empty Pillar is the first step towards achieving optimal spiritual health and wellbeing through Holy Method.

The Abide Pillar

The second pillar of our methodology, the Abide Pillar. This pillar focuses on the importance of developing a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Through this pillar, we learn to cultivate a sense of divine presence in our lives, and to abide in the wisdom, love, and guidance that comes from that connection.

Abiding in God is about surrendering ourselves to a higher power and allowing it to work through us. It is about recognizing that there is a greater intelligence at play in the universe, and that by aligning ourselves with it, we can tap into its limitless wisdom and power. When we abide in God, we open ourselves up to receiving divine inspiration, guidance, and support. We become vessels through which the divine can manifest its highest good in the world.

One way to cultivate the Abide Pillar is through practices such as meditation and prayer. These practices help us to quiet the mind and connect with the divine presence within us. Through meditation, we learn to still our thoughts and open ourselves up to receiving insights and guidance from the divine. Prayer, on the other hand, is a way of communicating with the divine, expressing our gratitude, asking for guidance, or simply seeking solace and comfort. Both of these practices help us to deepen our connection with the divine and to abide in its presence.

The Embody Pillar

The third pillar that constitutes the foundation of the Holy Method: the embody pillar. This pillar focuses on the importance of bringing our core beliefs and values into every aspect of our lives. It reminds us that true transformation occurs when we align our thoughts, words, and actions in accordance with our deepest convictions.

To begin, let's consider an example: imagine you strongly believe in the value of honesty. This belief is at the core of your being, shaping how you interact with others and making you strive to always speak the truth. However, if you only embody this belief in certain situations, it loses its power. The embody pillar teaches us that in order to live a truly meaningful and authentic life, we must bring our values into all areas of life, living them consistently and without compromise.

The embody pillar is about more than just adhering to our values; it also involves manifesting them in tangible ways. For example, suppose you value kindness. Embodying this pillar means actively seeking out opportunities to be kind to others, whether it's through simple acts of compassion or more grand gestures of generosity. By doing this, you not only strengthen your own connection to your values but also inspire those around you to do the same.

The Purify Pillar

The fourth pillar of the Holy Method, the "purify" pillar. This pillar is about cleansing our minds and hearts from impurities and negative influences. It helps us develop self-awareness, self-reflection, and a deeper understanding of our own thoughts, emotions, and actions. By purifying ourselves, we create space for personal growth, spiritual development, and a more harmonious relationship with ourselves and others.

One way to purify our minds and hearts is through meditation. Meditation is a powerful tool that allows us to quiet our thoughts, focus our attention, and connect with our inner selves. By setting aside some time each day for meditation, we can reduce stress, improve concentration, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquility. Through regular practice, we can purify our minds from negative thoughts, worries, and distractions, creating a clearer and calmer mental space.

Another aspect of the purify pillar is the practice of forgiveness. Holding onto grudges, resentment, or anger only weighs us down and prevents us from moving forward. By learning to forgive ourselves and others, we release the emotional baggage that keeps us stuck in the past. Forgiveness allows us to let go, heal, and create space for love, compassion, and understanding. It is a powerful act of purification that frees us from the burden of negative emotions and opens our hearts to greater peace and harmony.

The Worship Pillar

The fifth pillar of the Holy Method is the worship pillar. Worship is an essential component of leading a spiritual life and connecting with a higher power. It allows us to express our gratitude, seek guidance, and find inner peace. Worship can take many forms, including prayer, meditation, attending religious services, or engaging in personal rituals. In this lesson, we will explore the importance of the worship pillar and how to incorporate it into our daily lives.

Worship serves as a reminder of the larger purpose and meaning in our lives. It helps us to acknowledge that there is something greater than ourselves and to recognize the beauty and wonder of the world around us. Through worship, we can cultivate a sense of humility, gratitude, and awe. Whether it is through prayer, meditation, or attending religious services, taking the time to engage in worship allows us to pause, reflect, and connect with a higher power.

One way to incorporate the worship pillar into our daily lives is through the practice of gratitude. Taking a few moments each day to express gratitude for the blessings in our lives can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. It helps to shift our focus from what is lacking to what we have and promotes a sense of contentment and appreciation. This can be done through a simple prayer, writing in a gratitude journal, or sharing our gratitude with others. By making gratitude a regular part of our worship practice, we can cultivate a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment.

The Study Pillar

The study pillar is a crucial component of the Holy Method. It involves acquiring and applying knowledge and insight to guide our actions and decision-making. Without wisdom, we may find ourselves making hasty choices or repeating past mistakes. Let's explore the various aspects of the study pillar and how it can benefit our lives.

Firstly, wisdom can be developed through learning and education. By actively seeking information and expanding our knowledge, we open ourselves up to new ideas and perspectives. This can help us make more informed decisions and navigate complex situations. For example, if you are considering starting a business, it would be wise to study successful entrepreneurs and learn from their experiences. By doing so, you can avoid common pitfalls and increase your chances of success.

Secondly, wisdom also involves applying knowledge to real-life situations. It's not enough to simply accumulate information; we must also know how to use it effectively. Wisdom allows us to see the bigger picture and make connections between different pieces of information. Let's say you're facing a conflict with a friend or colleague. Instead of reacting impulsively, wisdom would encourage you to pause and consider the situation from various angles. By drawing on your knowledge of effective communication techniques and conflict resolution strategies, you can navigate the situation more skillfully and maintain positive relationships.

The Reflect Pillar

The seventh pillar of the Holy Method is the reflect pillar. Reflecting is an important aspect of personal growth and self-improvement. It involves taking the time to think deeply about our thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Reflecting allows us to gain insights into ourselves, our experiences, and the world around us. It helps us to understand our strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and make better decisions. In this lesson, we will explore the importance of reflection and share some strategies to help you incorporate reflection into your daily life.

Reflection can take many forms. Some people prefer to write in a journal, while others find it helpful to have a quiet moment of introspection. Whatever method you choose, the key is to create a space for reflection and make it a regular part of your routine. By taking the time to reflect, you allow yourself to process your thoughts and emotions, gain clarity, and make meaning out of your experiences. It is during moments of reflection that you can dig deeper, ask yourself meaningful questions, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life.

One powerful way to reflect is to ask yourself open-ended questions. For example, you might ask yourself, "What did I learn from this experience?" or "What could I have done differently?" These questions encourage you to think critically and examine your actions and motivations. Another helpful strategy is to seek feedback from others. Often, we have blind spots when it comes to our own behavior and attitudes. By asking for feedback, you gain different perspectives and can identify areas for growth. Additionally, you can reflect on your experiences by creating a gratitude practice. Take a few moments each day to think about what you are grateful for. This simple practice shifts your focus to the positive and helps you appreciate the good things in your life.

Practicing the Holy Method can bring benefits such as a sense of peace, improved mental health, a deeper connection with God, and a greater sense of purpose. To learn more or get in touch with a Holy Method representative, visit our website at or contact us directly at [email protected]

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