History of Powers Yoga

Welcome to Powers Yoga

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for choosing Powers Yoga as your path towards becoming a yoga teacher. It is truly an honor to be your teacher and mentor on this journey. In this 200 Hour Teacher Training course, we will embark on an exploration of yoga philosophy, asana practice, teaching techniques, and more. I am committed to providing you with the knowledge, skills, and support you need to develop into a confident and effective yoga teacher.

During this course, we will dive deep into the ancient wisdom of yoga philosophy. We will explore the Eight Limbs of Yoga as outlined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. You will gain a thorough understanding of the principles and concepts that form the foundation of yoga, such as Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), and Dhyana (meditation). Through discussions, readings, and personal reflection, you will not only learn about these philosophical concepts, but also discover how to incorporate them into your life and teaching.

The primary focus of this training is to develop a strong asana practice. Through daily practice, you will build strength, flexibility, and body awareness. We will explore various yoga poses, including standing poses, inversions, backbends, and twists. You will deepen your understanding of alignment, sequencing, and modifications, ensuring that you are able to guide your future students safely and effectively. Through hands-on adjustments and partner work, you will also learn how to provide individualized support to students, helping them to enhance their practice.

Meet Your Leader Andrea Powers of Powers Yoga

Andrea Powers journey began when she started meditating at the age of 5. She received God’s calling to be a healer at 6, met one of her indigenous spirit guides at 7 and had a Kundalini Awakening at 18 which led her to an encounter with Yogi Bhajan in Los Angeles.  Her connection to the energy that moves through the body and one’s ability to control it for both mental and physical balance was installed early in her life. 

 Andrea is a natural athlete. She began running at the age of eight in the Junior Olympics and continued running in high school where she received scholarships to some of the top colleges in New Jersey. However, after a profound meditation experience, leaving Andrea with more questions than answers, she decided to move into a more spiritual direction. She moved to California where her journey led her to Kundalini Master Yogi Bajan. Yogi Bajan was very impressed by her abilities to meditate and explained that it takes others 30 years to get into the depth of meditation where she went in just three hours. What Andrea had experienced was an extremely rare spontaneous kundalini awakening at the age of 18. Powers continued to run and meditated but after many years of pushing her body she hurt her back and was told by the doctors she shouldn't run again. As an athlete, this was devastating. Since she wasn’t able to run Powers decided to seek out other forms of exercise in the hopes of healing her back. She found yoga.   

That’s when Andrea stepped into her first yoga studio in Los Angeles, California. She recalls the uncomfortableness of the studio, no one spoke to her, and they took away her juice and sweatpants and replaced it with water and a pair of shorts. Then they rushed her into a small room filled with men and women of all ages and sizes. The only instruction given was to follow the teacher. After doing only two poses Andrea’s body and mind began to shake uncontrollably like she did during meditation so many years ago. Feeling embarrassed and defeated, Andrea fled the classroom. It was the first time in Andrea’s life that she had given up on anything. However, the next day, Andrea awoke feeling an overwhelming need to go back.  With an athlete attitude and mindset of self-motivation, training, and focus, Andrea was determined to master yoga, she knew this was what her body needed. She trained daily working not just physically but mentally. Andrea soon became a 200 Hour Certified Yoga Teacher in 2004.

Powers always had an entrepreneurial mind, so combining her experience of yoga and her need to control her future, she opened up her first studio in Northern New Jersey in 2005. But still lingering was a bad taste in her mouth about her first experience in that yoga studio all those years before. Powers made a promise to herself that her studios would be a place of inclusion, instruction, teaching and connecting all aspects of mind, body & spirit. She would combine her great passions of meditation, movement, and recovery into her classes. 

Currently, she has trained over 500 yogis in her method of training to become yoga teachers. Always one to see a need and then finding a way to fill it, she moved into the role of inventor. From her days in California, Powers saw surfing's benefits on the body, but living on the East coast surfing was limited to a few short months a year. She would later fall in love with SUP (Stand Up Paddle) and invented the YOGABOARD, an indoor board which simulates the feeling of being on water so her participants could practice and train all winter long. The YOGABOARD is sold around the United States to not only yoga studios, but fitness and sports rehabilitation centers as well. Andrea has also been a presenter at the Yoga Journal Conference in NYC showing other yogis how to paddle out, pop up and catch a vinyasa wave on the YOGABOARD. 

Today, you will find Andrea teaching and training online as well as holding training and retreats in Sedona, Arizona incorporating her indigenous roots. Powers is the creator of the highly popular Vortex Yoga Retreats & Sedona Wine Tours held around the year. Women and men from all over the world visit Andrea in Sedona not only to practice yoga with her but to hopefully suck up some good kundalini vibes. Once someone, like Andrea, has been awakened by kundalini they too can spark an awakening in you. 

Andrea has become known as Sedona's Shaktipat, sparking kundalini energy in others but it's up to you to carry the torch.


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